Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Empty Nest

Puppy Goes to College
 TV Stevie and I dropped off X-Chromo at college yesterday. It was a bittersweet day for us. Friends who'd been through this before had warned us that the summer between senior year of high school and freshman year of college would be filled with moodiness, moments when a parent was positive a child was no longer likable, and frustration upon frustration upon frustration. Yes, we'd gone through it with Y-Chromo, but somehow, this felt worse.

X was very organized. Gathered her stuff. Didn't pack a lot at all. Maybe because she's seen what we went through with Y his freshman year. At one point, we had discussed possibly using two cars to drive her to school -- she's relatively nearby, but she was so organized and ruthlessly careful, we were fine. Before we left, I asked if she had her college ID, her insurance card, her ATM/debit card. TV asked if she had enough cash. Did you remember to pack your ethernet cable? "I don't need it," she claimed. And she was snappish. Easily irritated. Annoyed with us. A teenager.

Her college has drop-off procedures down pat. I was quite impressed. (Y-Chromo's move-in day was a nightmare.) As TV went to park the car, another vehicle pulled into the curbside spot he'd just vacated, and it turned out to be X's roommate. They went off together to sign in. I introduced myself to the mom. We waited. It was a while before X and Roomie returned. They'd gone up to their room before coming back to the curb for their belongings. X was quite upset. She couldn't find her wallet. I was pretty certain I'd seen it in the kitchen before we left. What I didn't realize was that her ID, insurance card, ATM/debit card, cash, were in that wallet. 

So much for Mommy & Daddy asking questions.

Of course, this put us on the wrong foot. 

We eventually got everything hauled up to the girls' room. The moms helped with the unpacking. That's when I saw Puppy, X's favorite and well-loved stuffed animal, sitting on her bed. How can you stay upset with your baby when you see something like that? 

TV and I had to drive home to retrieve her wallet. And, it turns out, her ethernet cable -- the one she claimed she wouldn't need. We drove back to campus with other things for her, too: a box of tissues; silverware (she'd forgotten to pack any); a book she wanted. We kept reminding ourselves that this was why we were glad she'd chosen a school much closer to home than Y chose.

We arrived back on campus in plenty of time for her to have her ID before her meeting with her academic adviser. We went up to her room to see all the rearranging and things she'd done (and she'd done good!). Then we went over to the job fair with her. She plans to work right away. I showed her how to use the ATM. We found the room where her meeting with her academic adviser would take place. She seemed reluctant to let us go. Or maybe that was just my mommy gene kicking in.

She's in a beautiful place.
Terrace at Dorm

View from dorm window

View of terrace from dorm window
We spoke on the phone last night. She said she misses us. We miss her too. I'm glad she has a weekend on campus to acclimate before classes kick in on Monday. I know she'll be fine. She even said she won't come home until the end of September in order to give herself time to adjust. She's a smart kid. A savvy young lady.

But she's still my baby.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How Weird Is This?

On August 3, the Inside the Chiefs blog recapped all the roster action that had been happening. My Chiefs blog, From Section 207, had the same basic info (no insider peek as to the reasons) on August 1st.

On August 2nd, I blogged here about Capitolfest and how last year a missing bit of audio from Paramount on Parade was discovered to be the possession of the projectionist. TV Stevie left a newspaper on my place at the breakfast table this morning. A local newspaper had the same story in this week's edition.

Hey, you read it here first!

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Man of LaMancha, Or So I was Told

My View of the "Stage"
 TV Stevie wanted to see a local production of THE MAN OF LA MANCHA today, so I said fine. It was scheduled to be held at the ampitheater at a local park. I was psyched. I packed my sun hat, an umbrella, and a rain coat. We tossed folding chairs into the trunk of TV's car. We were set.

We arrived at the park in plenty of time. Found nearby parking. As we were pulling our chairs from the trunk, a young woman interrupted us. It seemed the iffy weather dictated that the performance be moved to a nearby church.

Well, RATS. I've never been to a performance at the ampitheater and had been really looking forward to it.  The seating is tierred, like a movie theater or a stadium. I've always wanted to go to Shakespeare in the Park (our local version), but it usually conflicts with something else, as it does this year.

So TV Stevie and I drove to the church. He let me out while he looked for parking. He encountered another Drama Mama & Papa as he walked back to the church, so we ended up sitting together.

I loathe and despire churches and temples and hotel conference rooms for performances, because audience seating flat, and I am five feet tall. The inability to see a thing combined with the heat and humidity and the crowded conditions made for less than an optimum experience.  Fortunately, I did have my fan in purse. For what it was worth. Frankly? Not much.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

It's A Capitol Time!

If you like movies -- old movies, classic movies, rare movies, silent movies -- you might want to check out CapitolFest in Rome, NY. TV Stevie and Y-Chromo have been going to movies and CapitolFest for years, at least until Y went off to college.
Original installation, 3-manual,
9-rank Möller Grand Theatre Organ.

 I was leary of going in Y's place. In 2006, TV Stevie dragged the whole family to a film festival in central Ohio. Other than the 2 Columbus Clippers games we attended and listening to Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation both ways, the trip was hideous. I attended one movie. It was in a musty hotel conference room with rows of folding chairs. The only good thing about the festival experience was hearing (and meeting) Dr. Philip Carli for the first time, as he accompanied Don Q, Son of Zorro on the piano. (Actually, the movie was pretty good, too. I just don't like musty hotel conference rooms, folding chairs, and flat seating.)

So I wasn't real thrilled when TV asked me in 2008 to go to the Capitol Theater to see a local theater production of Man of La Mancha, but I went. That was my first time at the Capitol Theater. And it was a good production. And they had real theater seats. And sloped floors. And a theater cat. Gotta love a place with a cat.

In 2009, our wedding anniversary fell during CapitolFest, plus we had tickets for the Glimmerglass Opera on that date. Steve suggested we stop at the Capitol on our way home from Cooperstown. The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra would be accompanying a movie that evening. I said, "sure, why not."

They were amazing. Plus, I wanted to see the movie that followed their performance.

I was hooked.

Last year, TV Stevie and I went to every session. I took many photos of their amazing, original installation Moller organ.

And we were part of an exciting bit of cinema history. Paramount on Parade, a showcase of Paramount contract players, is a "partially missing" film. Several of the shellac sound-track discs are missing, footage is missing (from the movie being edited-for-TV): it's a hodge-podge of audio and video. But it turns out that the projectionist had in his possession of of the "missing" sound track discs. We were able to hear it (altho' it wasn't synced up with the film). And no, he didn't steal it. Missing sound track discs is a common problem, but thanks to the Vitaphone Project, some movies are being restored using new technology.

In a bit of trivia, we were watching a short about dental hygiene, and the bureau in boy's bedroom is the same bureau I use. Well, not quite as beat up as mine is, but that was weird and memorable. I knew my bureau was old, but not that old!

This year, Y-Chromo doesn't head for college until after CapitolFest. He and I have been arguing over who gets to accompany TV Stevie this year. Probably both of us.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Happiness Happens!

August is Happiness Happens month!  I have so much about which to be happy, and I'm going to focus on those things throughout the month.

Happiness Happens when it's a beautiful August day.