Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Avengers: A Movie Review

I liked it. It was good.

IMHO, however, it did not live up to its hype.

My nephew said he hadn't laughed so hard in a long time. I merely chuckled.

I felt as if I were missing pieces of the story. I've been assured that not seeing The Hulk didn't matter. X-Chromo said I should have seen Iron Man 2 (it's TV Stevie's fault I haven't seen it) to learn more about the Black Widow.

If a person isn't familiar with the comic book canon, one might feel the same way I did.

There were three things that really irked me.
1) all the women wore really tight clothing and too many shots were of their butts as they walked away from the camera, fannies swaying.
2) After September 11th, Manhattanites are not going to stand in the windows of their office buildings and watch the destruction of their city.
3) The Hulk can't control his rage. The Hulk can't control his rage. Now the Hulk can control his rage? What's the motivation for that abrupt change?

My biggest issue is I was expecting a fabulous story and didn't get it. What I got were special effects, which bore and annoy me after about 60 seconds. As TV Stevie and I have discussed almost every time we see a movie based on Marvel Comics, he found the same problem with the comic books themselves: not enough story, too much BAM! POW! KA-ZOW-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (We're DC people at heart, but DC can't do movies worth a hoot.)

What I loved: Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark.
Iron Man is still the best superhero/comic-book based movie I have ever seen.

1 comment:

Kara Leigh Miller said...

Molly, I loved The Avengers. I thought it was very funny. Yet, I have to agree with all your points. Especially the one about liking Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark--that's the entire reason I went to see this movie.